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Vikash.nl – Connecting Businesses with the Right Tech

Passionate about computers, Vikash has accrued more than 15 years of experience working on applications and systems. His specialties are broad, from backend infrastructure, to end-user-compute and modern data protection solutions.

He has a knack for coming up with solutions that work in the long term, never one to put a so-called “bandage” on top of a recurrent problem. His clients know that when they work with him, they can expect attentive service and a sharp mind on their side. Someone who follows through on his promises, he sets clear expectations with regard to the projects he takes on and then frequently over-delivers. This is just how Vikash operates, which has won him recognition and respect as an IT professional. He operates on the principles of hard work and integrity, both principles that come through lucidly in the writing on his blog as well.

The reason that technology and IT have become so important in our modern economy is clear and undeniable: when you are running your business on poor tech, you are setting yourself up for failure, and when you are running your business on the right tech, you are giving yourself a marked advantage. This gets to the root of Vikash’s professional mission and his overarching goal: he strives to connect businesses with the right tech based on their unique needs, position, and brand. You cannot expect to select tech haphazardly and land on the right tools. Rather, you are reliant upon those who have been there before, and that describes Vikash to a tee. He has seen and done it all and understands innately what separates the right tech from the wrong tech on a business-by-business basis. This colors all his blog writings too, it guides him, and it should guide you!

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